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I have a bedroom set that is solid wood and very well made but would like to make it darker. Is it possible and do I have to take the old finish off completely?
I have a bed that’s solid wood (maybe oak or something) and they stained it an orangy red…or like a light cherry. I want to have the wood be darker. I would prefer to NOT just paint it brown but was kind of hoping their was some magic paint out
I have an old vestibule door that has the pretty beveled or led glass that matches the glass in my front windows. The door is old and I am thinking of refurbishing it and moving it to be the entry door. It is dark wood and I would like to
I have a t&g pine ceiling. Our fireplace has made the wood very dry in places. The ceiling was clear coated before. I was told to use oil base polyurethane to put moisture back into the wood. I would rather use water based polyurethane because the fumes are not as
I have used Magic stripper for a fiberglass door and it removed most of the stain, but there is still a lot on the door. What else can I use on the door so it will make it look smooth so i can restain it.
I have a oak vanity with some kind of protective coating on it and I need to know the steps I can take to change the color to a mahogany look? I have a bathroom vanity that looks oak with some type of varnish. I would like to remove the
The cabinets must have been painted with either enamel or semi gloss latex and the prior owner painted over them with flat latex, they are horrible. The paint is rolling up and peeling, and you cannot wipe them off without further damage. Not a good situation in the kitchen. How
We ordered a wood veneer countertop to be stained (Minwax Dark Walnut)and poly. It came out awful. Because the counter was for an “L” shaped desktop, it has 3 pieces (corner & 2 length sides). All 3 pieces don’t match or blend. The company said they had a hard time
I just painted my kitchen cabinets and put up the doors and now the paint is peeling where the doors meet the cabinet frame. I was told that in lieu of sanding I could use a deglosser, which I did. I put on one coat of latex primer and three
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