Weather Concerns
Say tomorrow I prime the exterior on my house. What happens when the weather changes? Rain is suppose to come in late that night or the next day. Should I wait?
Say tomorrow I prime the exterior on my house. What happens when the weather changes? Rain is suppose to come in late that night or the next day. Should I wait?
What is the best paint to use to repaint an iron fence, non galvanized, previously painted wrought iron? I think a latex of some kind was used last.
I was wondering if using a vacuum sprayer, low volume low pressure sprayer could be used effectively on a outdoor wrought iron fence. Versus the typical airless sprayer. Would this save me a lot of paint and cut down on a lot of overspray? I think it would cut down
I had my front porch completely replaced but now yellowish marks are showing up on the white painted posts.
Can I paint over obvious varnished timber paneling in the kitchen?
Need to know how to dilute oil base primer to use in a spray gun. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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