Repainting Your Home? 5 Things to Consider

Repainting your home may sometimes seem easy but it’s actually a quite complicated process. If you want to get the job done right, you can’t just grab your roller and start painting. Instead, you need to plan the entire process through and tackle the project as carefully as possible. To

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Painting Techniques to Make a Room Look Bigger

Living in city life, we often find that our house is smaller than we envisioned while decorating. But usually, the appearance of the house has more to do with colour choices than actual space! Colour shades change our perception of the house. Moreover, wall paintings are the easiest and the

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Off white trim and stark white trim?

Well if it were me, first thing is to shut the all the doors and look around the room. Can you see the paint color that is in the hallway? I would paint the doors that are on the bedroom side the same color as the walls color in the

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