How do you prepare well painted trim boards?


I live in a relatively new house (10 years old) and I am wanting to re-paint the exterior windows. Paint is only starting to peel in small sections at the bottom of the trims. I was just wondering as the paint is pretty good in the other areas is it necessary for me to remove all the paint or just the areas which are peeling?

So basically my question is how do you prepare a well painted surface? Do I sand it until smooth then paint over or is there some other way?

2 Responses

  1. You only need to worry about the actual peeling areas. Sanding is a very good idea as long as the surface is smooth to begin with. For rough surfaces, such as rough cedar trim, hand scraping and wire brushing is your only options.

    After all loose paint is removed go ahead and apply a primer, allow to dry, and do any caulking that is needed before painting.

  2. You only need to worry about the actual peeling areas. Sanding is a very good idea as long as the surface is smooth to begin with. For rough surfaces, such as rough cedar trim, hand scraping and wire brushing is your only options.

    After all loose paint is removed go ahead and apply a primer, allow to dry, and do any caulking that is needed before painting.

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