How do you tell if you had 2 coats of paint applied?


We had our house painted recently and don’t believe a 2nd coat was put on (which is what was promised.) How can we prove this, who do we contact since they are saying it was second coated. There are lots of issues, the front door was painted while on the hinges and closed so you can see the old color when you open the door. There is lots of over spray…we have pics abunda. We are not getting anything but verbal abuse and a threat of a lien put on our house as we have not finished paying because we don’t feel that they have done what was promised.

2 Responses

  1. The only way to tell is by measuring the thickness of the paint. Contact the paint store where the paint was purchased and talk to a sales rep. Hopefully they left some paint cans for reference.

    This is the least of your concerns right now. You need to contact your local BBB office. They will have a lot of good information for you so you will know how to proceed.

    I need to mention that the overspray is covered by the contractors liability insurance. Demand they fully clean up all overspray. If this can't be done to your satisfaction have them contact their insurance agent.

    The door isn't finished. Sounds like they sprayed it in place and need to finish the job.

    If the contractor can't meet your reasonable expectations and is abusive, as mentioned, then don't pay them. If they file an unjustified lien then they are opening up a bunch of legal issues that you can explore.

    Talk to the BBB before doing anything. This is what they are here for.

  2. As a contractor it drives me crazy, when other shady contractors ruin it for the good ones.

    As Carl, had mentioned your first course of action is contacting the BBB. From this point forward be sure to document everything.

    You can send a registered letter to the contractor with a demand for job completion and to repair all areas that were botched assuming a contract was drawn when the bid was accepted. Also be sure to transcribe any phone dealings, I don't recommend recording. In some states it may be illegal, and if you were to tell the contractor they are being recorded, you are more then likely going to receive a dial tone. So just be sure to write the complete conversation down.

    As far a lien on your home goes, in this case, given the basic information I have read. They would not come out on top of this and more then likely it will cost them more after the litigation and fees.

    You mentioned you have pictures that is great! As it shows the proof right there in color.

    On a Side Note:
    It is always a recommended when choosing a contractor to check references, also check with the BBB for any negative filings. Whether it be a Painting, Building, Plumbing or Electrical Contractor. The home owner needs to do this! It eliminates the chance of getting a terrible contractor.

    I hope this helps and sorry you had to go through this. Not all contractors are bad… Most of us take pride in our trade and go above and beyond to make our clients 110% satisfied!

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