Great ways help my visitors or to promote your service and website is to submit an article, post or idea to We accept site related guest posts and invite everyone to participate.

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Topics: All submitted articles/posts or ideas must be about house painting or the other topics covered on Just take a quick look at the categories in the right navigation for inspiration.

Relevance: Must add new information to the site. Rewriting existing information or add a list is not acceptable.  Examples; 8 Reasons to Paint, How to Increase Curb Appeal or 8 Top Painting Mistakes.  This type of article adds no value to the site and written for links only.

Minimum Length: Although I don’t want to limit anyone’s creativity, I prefer a minimum of 400 words for a post.

Formatting: No special formatting is required, all is done through the Submit Article form.  Please use the simple formatting tools provided.

Images: You can add images to your ideas- I do prefer images if you have any. If the image is borrowed from elsewhere include the necessary proper licensing and attribution.

Videos: Videos can be included. Include any necessary proper licensing and attribution if needed.

Terms: All submitted content must be original and remains never republished for the lifetime of my site.

Links: Links to other sites are allowed in the article, post or comment submitted. 1 link in the article and 1 link in the author’s bio only. Use caution to not be spammy. Only under special circumstances will more be allowed. Contact us if you need anything special. You are allowed a link on your Author’s Profile; this is the place to promote your business or website.  (NOTE: I reserve the right to refuse any link included with the article or other content.)

By-Line/Authors Bio: An author’s bio or bi-line isn’t needed. Your article will link directly to your authors profile, if you choose to join. Please include your name and location with the submitted content.

Authors Profile: All authors are welcome to register for a profile. Your contribution will also link to your profile. (optional)

Cost: There is no cost for having an article hosted on my site.  Since this is a free service I’m very picky, the submitted article with its media (images and video) must be high quality and relevant to my site.