Consider Exterior Height and Obstructions into Quote

As a contractor he or she must look over every potential obstruction when placing a bid on a potential customers home. Are the shrubs over grown and touching the house? Is the land level or uneven? Are the neighbors cars right next to the house. What type of traffic whether

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#1 tip to confirm that you are right 4 them.

Stress the fact that your company has been in business for .x. of years. And you are not just a fly by nighter, that’s out of work, seeking part time employment. Be prepared to have references upon first meeting; names, phone numbers, etc etc.

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“Honey I just fired the painters.”

So you saw a home made paint contractors sign down at the end of the block and decided to call. The job that they were doing on the exterior of the house looked good from a distance. There were drop cloths not all canvas but bed spreads as well along

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Painter & Decorator – A History

A painter and decorator is a tradesman responsible for the painting and decorating of buildings such as houses, and is also known as a decorator or house painter. History of the trade. In England, little is known of the trade and its structures before the late 1200s, at which point

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The very best paint job ever!!

We hired a company in Anchorage Alaska to paint our house. To be honest I just looked in the phone book and picked a contractor that had been in business for some time and was licensed and bonded. Their name was North Pole Contractors. The owner came out within a

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Painting Contractors Punchlist Pressure

Every experienced contractor whether a painting, building, electric, or plumbing knows the feeling when the job is coming to an end. There are a lot of loose ends to tie up. A lot of little things that need to be done to get the final payment. These “little things” where

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Beware of unqualified contractors in a bad economy.

Since the economy went bad there are more people out there doing jobs they are not qualified for. One of these jobs is painting. Hey listen, everyone thinks they can paint so, they decide to go into business for themselves and make some good money, especially in the summer. I

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How To Hire a Paint Contractor

When you decide to get your house painted the painting contractor you choose will make all the difference in the world. There are so many different aspects to choosing a professional painting contractor. I have a few tips that could be helpful in choosing the right contractor to paint your

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Checking Painting Contractor References

Checking painting contractor references is very important. Ask the painting contractor for 3-5 references of paint jobs they did in the past 6 months. If they cannot provide this, then you don’t want to hire them as your house painter. When you call the reference, make sure you ask them

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