Craigslist for Better or Worse

As a frequent advertiser under the “skilled trade” section of Craigslist I am under the following impression of it’s readers. Craigslist is a great free advertising site for just about everything. It has a following that tops all in the services that are offered. Its geographical boundaries are phenomenal. Most

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Finding a Painting Contractor

Checklist for Finding Good Painting Contractors The following checklist will help you sort through the process of finding a qualified house painting contractor.   Ask around. If you see a house thats been freshly painted, it’s a good opportunity to find out who did the painting. Sometimes you shall see

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Things to Look for in a Quality House Paint Job

You often hear when you’re told how to to ask about the quality of the contractor’s work. The definition of quality can be somewhat subjective. Yet, there are definite parameters that define whether you received a quality house paint job or not. You should be familiar with these seven things

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How to Choose a Painting Contractor

A Checklist for Choosing a Painting Contractor Okay. You’ve compiled a list of candidates. Now, what do you do? How do you know which house painting contractor is offering the best price and the highest quality? Here is a checklist that will help you filter through the different painting offers

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5 Places to Find a Painting Contractor

Whether you are new to the area or just never had to hire someone to paint your house before, finding a painting contractor you can trust may seem like a challenging task. The first step is to locate a painting contractor. If you’re in Southern Colorado, Crowder Painting is happy

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How to Work With a New, Up-And-Coming House Painter

Beware: An Inexperienced Painter Could Increase Long-Term House Painting Costs Often, when the budget it tight it is tempting to work with a house painter who doesn’t have to charge as much because he/she is just starting out and is motivated to offer rock-bottom prices. Everyone has to start somewhere,

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The True Cost of House Painting

Have you ever wondered why hiring a contractor to paint your house costs so much more than doing it yourself. Many people have. The reality is, when you do the job yourself, your only expenses are materials. Hiring a contractor costs more because running a business costs money! In addition,

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A Paint Warranty – Important Points to Consider

Many paint and coating manufacturers, retailers, and contractors offer a paint warranty. But are these really a sign of good customer service- or just a clever marketing ploy? It depends. Paint warranties offered by the manufacturer aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Warranties offered by contractors, on the other

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Should You Do It Yourself or Hire a Painting Contractor?

Not everyone is cut out for house painting. There are a variety of factors to consider before undertaking any painting project. Pushing ahead when you’re not ready is a recipe for aggravation and failure! Your Physical Limitations Both interior and exterior painting are labor intensive and require considerable physical effort.

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Benefits Of Hiring Professional Residential Painting Contractors

Coming home to a freshly painted residence is a good feeling – it seems new, feels clean and is a more comfortable place to live. However, almost without notice, the house becomes “lived-in”; smudges, scratches and dirt can appear on walls over time– and the negative impact on the aesthetic

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