Interior Accent Wall

An accent wall is one wall within a room that is painted a different shade or color than the other three walls in that room. The wall that is accented is usually the first wall that is seen upon entering that room. An accent wall can be used to highlight

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How to Choose Interior Paint for House Painting

When it comes to choosing the right interior paint for your house painting project, it can be a little confusing for some people. House paint comes in many different paint finishes and it’s important that you choose the right one. Paint finishes for interior paint come in flat, semi-gloss, enamel,

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What To Look For When Choosing Your Interior Paint

Interior paint is the most versatile and affordable way to change the look of your room. You have to choose from different type of paints such as matte finish, flat enamel, eggshell finish, satin finish, semi-gloss, and glossy. The cheapest one is matte finish paint. This is due to the

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Painting Ideas For A Nursery

If you are expecting a baby, you don’t have a lot of time to prepare for the new arrival. There are clothes to buy, supplies needed, and of course, you must have a nursery that is decorated and ready. There are several options you have when it comes to decorating

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Accent Walls

An accent wall is a popular way to spice up any room in your house or office. An accent wall is one wall within a room that is painted a different shade or color than the other three walls in that room. The wall that is accented is usually the

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How To Decide On Kitchen Paint

Your kitchen is the heart of the home and you want a decor that really stands out and gives the kitchen a unique look and feel to it. Choosing kitchen paint colors is important because it will set the mood for that room and help people decide whether they want

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How to Choose Paint Colors that You’ll Love Living With

Deciding on interior paint colors for you home isn’t a life-altering experience, but it can certainly be stressful and intimidating. It’s disheartening to spend an entire weekend painting a room and having it turn out lighter, darker or brighter than you imagined, and while people always try to wait and

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Choosing Color: How Color Affects Mood

Blue or red might be a favorite color, but before choosing a paint color for a particular room, think about how color influences mood. For example, while a color like red may have just the energizing effect you’d like in a dining room or family room, it may be too

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Painting Brick

All brick is almost always beautiful, but if you want to spice up any space, it would be a good idea to paint your brick. For light, airy spaces, such as a kid’s room, try bright colors like sky blue, lime green, and perywinkle. For more adult-friendly spaces, go with

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