Cracks in the Corners of Walls

If you have cracks in the “inside” corners of walls you have an easier and a touch more logical solution. Instead of using mud or spackle you can use regular painters caulk and then finger finish the corner. The caulk is paintable and when you use a finger it finishes

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The Drywall Plug

I would like to introduce you to our drywall repair product called The Drywall Plug. It has the following Highlights: Easy to install Can be installed in 10 minutes or less Restores the structural integrity to the damaged area Is a permanent repair, not a patch No drywall experience necessary

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Drywall Repair – Choosing Your Drywall Tools

With some basic skills and good drywall tools you will be able to tackle that hole or dent, achieving a great looking repair. These drywall tools will be handy during many drywall repair projects, but some are for when entire rooms are to be hung and finished. Here’s the drywall

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Types of Drywall Joint Compound

There are many types of joint compound and it can be difficult to know which to use. Fortunately, there are just two types to be concerned with; drying type drywall compound and setting type drywall compound. Each has a purpose when its time for drywall repairs. Drying Type Joint Compound

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Applying Skip Trowel Texture

With the right tools, and a bit of practice, applying skip trowel texture is a task nearly every homeowner can tackle. This unique drywall finish not only adds interest and character to walls and ceilings, it is also excellent at concealing imperfections. If you’re ready to finish off that recently

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Apply Knockdown Drywall Texture

There are many good reasons to apply knockdown drywall texture. Aside from their ability to disguise uneven or poorly finished walls, heavy drywall textures can complement decorative paint effects, make a room seem warmer (as compared to a smooth, glossy finish), and even provide a moderate level of soundproofing. This

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Acoustic Ceiling Texture Repair

Many acoustic ceiling texture repairs are not very difficult, although a bit messy. A common term for this type of texture is “popcorn texture.” These same techniques apply to to this type of texture no matter what it is called. The most common causes of damage are water leaks, cracked

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Repairing Damaged Drywall Cornerbead

The corners of our homes are constantly taking a beating. Repairing drywall cornerbead is inevitable. Fortunately, this is an easy fix that anyone can do. The most common types of cornerbead are metal cornerbead with a 90-degree bend and bullnose cornerbead that is rounded. The easiest to fix is the

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Apply Drywall Brush Texture

Drywall texture is pretty neat stuff. It is a great way to hide imperfections, adds visual interest, and disguises dirt better than mirror smooth finishes do. You can apply drywall brush texture yourself with just a handful of tools. Slap brush texture is also known as stomp brush texture, crows

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Apply Orange Peel Drywall Texture

Drywall texture can disguise a multitude of sins: poor finishing technique, uneven plaster, and even warped studs can be made less noticeable with the application of a nice texture. Apply orange peel drywall texture if you want a subtle finish that goes well with most types of paint. Orange peel

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