Preventing Mold and Mildew Growth

Mold and mildew are serious health hazards. The best way to control the growth of fungus is to prevent its growth in the first place. A clean, dry, light filled environment discourages its formation. Basic prevention is all dependent upon controlling the environment of a mold and mildew prone the

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Severe Peeling and Many Old Layers

I found that the only effective way to get a solid base for my project was to use a heat gun and putty knife and go right down to the bare wood. It took a little while but was well worth it. The previous owner had just very very lightly

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Repainting Exterior Trim

After 2 hours of scraping & sanding, plus using a Makita random orbit sander. Many more hours till this is ready for priming. I understand why a professional wanted $5000 to paint my house.

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Fixall and Paint Mix to Fill Checked Paint

A trick a neighbor of mine, who was a painter for 40 years, told me a great trick for painting over crazing paint. Mix Fixall with the paint. This dries like stucco filling the cracks yet the paint slows the drying time down enough to work with it. I did

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Polyurethane Caulk is Excellent

Have you ever pealed strips of silicon or silicon-based caulking after a few years? You know, when it easily pulls off like a long elastic band? Not a good seal any more, apparently. I have read that silicon is very mildly corrosive, you can see this on a failed old

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Caulking Tips

Caulking can be one of the things that really makes your house look great. But, it can be difficult and time consuming for people if they don’t use the following tips. Often times I see a caulking job that has wrinkles, ripples and is generally a poor end product. Use

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Benefits Of Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is a great way to create a healthier environment for your family, it’s a cost effective way to add curb appeal and value to your property. You will be ridding the surface free of dirt, mold, mildew, tannin stains from leaves and sticks, rubber marks from tires, oil,

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Primering not necessary when using a quality paint.

I have painted exterior walls in the past on Stucco using an exterior latex paint (satin finish) which has proven excellent long lasting results. I never primered the surfaces prior to rolling the finished paint. So, I believe that primering is not necessary when using a quality paint.

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Do Not Power wash Cedar siding or any made out of wood.

I can assume there is instant dissent with the title of this story. But there is good reason not to powerwash a wood-sided exterior. (1st) Cedar is a relatively soft wood. Whether it is White or Red Cedar or Clapboard or even Alaskan Yellow cedar, it is still wood, has

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Preparing the Exterior of Your House for Painting

When a person decides to have their house painted they are making an investment in their property that they want the final results to look great and last a long time. It is highly important that the proper steps are taken to prepare and protect your home. Every good paint

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