Choosing the Right Cladding for Your Home

Cladding is a technique in which an external finishing system is added to the walls. The main purpose of cladding is to prolong the structure’s life, increase sound and thermal insulation, and take your home’s aesthetics to the next level. Besides that, cladding is easy to install and durable enough

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Temperature & Humidity vs. Paint

If you have an outdoor painting project on your to-do list, you might be watching the weather report to determine the ideal day to get it done. Yet if all you’re watching for is a day without rain, you’re not paying close enough attention to the weather report. That’s because

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Let’s Talk Concrete

Many people are investing in real fixer-uppers. If you’re like the many property owners around Sydney, then your home is no exception. As the entrance to your home your driveway experiences quite a bit of traffic and so it is commonly the first part of the house to lose its

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Property Painting Preparation Tips and Tricks

It doesn’t matter if you’re painting the interior or exterior of your commercial property, the entire project can turn out to be more complicated than you anticipated. Still, with some careful preparation, you should be able to do it. That’s why we’ve come up with a couple of property painting

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Top 4 Hacks for Repainting Your Home Exterior

When speaking about painting, most of us automatically think about applying a fresh coat of paint to our interior walls, because people more often paint their living room, than they do their house’s exterior.  However, a fresh coat of paint can completely transform the look of your house. Here are

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Sustainability; Paint and Exterior Use

Painting the exterior walls of your house is a task that requires some thought, preparation and work. First of all, you want your house to look appealing and beautiful, reflecting your own style and way of life. Second of all, but maybe most important, you want the paint to be

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Roof Coating – Waterproofing Your Roof

Extreme weather is bound to cause some damage to your roof, therefore it can be challenging when you are keeping your roof from leakages. There are several ways to build a roof to keep water from entering your home and cause damages and expensive repairs. Adding a roof coating is

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5 House Painting Rules You Should Never Break

While every paint job is different, there is a process that you can follow to get the best results every time you get the paint brush out. Particularly for DIY jobs, it’s important that you have some kind of game plan on how to tackle what’s ahead of you, so

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How To Paint Without Leaving Brushstrokes

How To Paint Without Leaving Brushstrokes If you’ve tried hand painting a piece of furniture, you’ve probably run into a common problem: unsightly brushstrokes that ruin your paint job. Unless you’re intentionally going for a rustic or “outsider art” vibe, big garish brushstrokes just won’t cut it. Painting isn’t easy,

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