Top Tips For Looking After Painted Walls

all marks and stains can be really tricky to remove from painted walls carefully and properly. We’ve all had a random mark or scuff appear on our walls every now and then. Sometimes we know exactly where the mark has come from, whether it be a passing bag or shoe

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Spray Painting Vs. Paint Rolling

So, which is better: Spray painting or paint rolling? While this may be one of the topics that might spring up in home improvement projects, the debate is still there – Which is better? Nonetheless, both painting techniques are their own pros and cons. With that in mind, this article

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Heads Up: How To Paint A Ceiling

Painting the ceiling is an awkward job, but you can reap the rewards of a brighter, more spacious-feeling room. With proper preparation, painting the ceiling doesn’t have to drive you up the wall – here’s everything you need to know for a perfectly painted ceiling. 1) Prepare The Room Despite

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5 Unexpected Ways to use Paint in a Room

Using paint in an unexpected way can create drama and character in a space. Break out of your comfort zone and try using one of these 5 ways to transform a room that would be otherwise ordinary and predictable into something extraordinary and unexpected. 1. Use a bold paint color

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