Top Tips For Looking After Painted Walls

all marks and stains can be really tricky to remove from painted walls carefully and properly. We’ve all had a random mark or scuff appear on our walls every now and then. Sometimes we know exactly where the mark has come from, whether it be a passing bag or shoe

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Spray Painting Vs. Paint Rolling

So, which is better: Spray painting or paint rolling? While this may be one of the topics that might spring up in home improvement projects, the debate is still there – Which is better? Nonetheless, both painting techniques are their own pros and cons. With that in mind, this article

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Heads Up: How To Paint A Ceiling

Painting the ceiling is an awkward job, but you can reap the rewards of a brighter, more spacious-feeling room. With proper preparation, painting the ceiling doesn’t have to drive you up the wall – here’s everything you need to know for a perfectly painted ceiling. 1) Prepare The Room Despite

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Window Restoration 101: How to Ace Your Repair

If you live in an older home, then the chances that your windows already need repair is quite high. Some of your windows may even need replacement. Windows aren’t just there to let the breeze or sunlight into your house. They are also meant to improve the energy efficiency of

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5 Unexpected Ways to use Paint in a Room

Using paint in an unexpected way can create drama and character in a space. Break out of your comfort zone and try using one of these 5 ways to transform a room that would be otherwise ordinary and predictable into something extraordinary and unexpected. 1. Use a bold paint color

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