Useful Paint Additives

Sometimes just plain paint isn’t enough. Paint additives can do many things, from reducing the drag on a brush to providing anti-slip characteristics. There are many different paint additives from a wide variety of manufactures. Most do the same things to the paint; reduce the drag of the paint, make

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Paint Types & Where to Use Them

High Gloss (70+ on a 60 degree gloss meter) Where to Use – For kitchen & bathroom walls, kitchen cabinets, banisters & railings, trim, furniture, door jambs & windowsills. Comments – More durable, stain resistant & easier to wash. However, the higher the gloss, the more likely surface imperfections will

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Choosing the best paint for the job!

If you are planning a home painting project, it’s important to choose the right paint, so that you get the best possible results. There are many different types of paint available, so you might need a few pointers to help you make the best selection. Interior Paints If you are

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Selecting The Perfect Paint Finishes For Your Home

Even after a homeowner has chosen the perfect color for a room, there’s another very important decision to make. With 5 or 6 paint finishes to choose from, you should learn the benefits of each and determine the right one for your job. Should you use flat or satin and

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No VOC Paint

Low VOC paints are almost the industry standard today, but many manufacturers are going a step further, creating no VOC paints that are even safer. No VOC is actually a misnomer, because it is virtually impossible to produce a commercial paint that contains none of these compounds. The government standard

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Low VOC Paint

Environmentally friendly products are hot these days, and virtually every paint manufacturer now carries a line of low VOC paints. How do low VOC paints impact the environment and your health? Are they really as “green” as everyone says they are? Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are unstable, carbon rich

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Epoxy Paint – As Tough As It Gets!

If you are thinking about epoxy paint, then you have a need for one of the toughest coatings possible. Epoxy paints are two component coatings and sealers that have incredible resistance to many chemicals. Plus, generally, they are very hard when fully cured. The two separate components are mixed together,

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Old Fashioned Paint Recipes

Few modern paints created with synthetic materials can truly claim to be VOC-free. Old-fashioned paint formulas created with natural pigments and binders are surprisingly durable and attractive. These non-toxic paint alternatives are especially good choices when a resident has asthma, chronic disease, or severe allergies; in areas where children and

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Types of Decorative Paints

There are many types of decorative paints available today. Although these specialized products tend to be more expensive than most standard paints, they can greatly simplify your decorative painting efforts. They also tend to produce very consistent results. Crackle Paint Crackle painting is a fun way to make surfaces look

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