Cleaning up old varnish.

If you have old interior varnish that has turned white and peeling a real quick easy method for restoring is to mix equal parts of raw linseed oil and turpentine,’raw linseed oil and 10% denatured alcohol. Dip a 1-0 steel wool pad in and wring out. Hold a rag right

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How to Breathe New Life Into Your Wood Fittings

In many homes where the doors, cupboards, and other fittings are made from wood, wear and tear can cause great deterioration and spoil the overall look. Without going to the great expense of buying new fittings, how do you save them and get them looking as good as new? The

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Staining and Sealing Wood Doors

First, staining requires at least two coats, I did only one because of time constraints. It is OK, but would have been better with two coats of stain. I used the water-based Minwax, which was good. Also, having tried rags (not that great) and terry sponges specifically made for staining;

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Using a Chemical Paint Stripper to Remove Old Paint

Sometimes the only way to remove old paint from a piece of furniture is to use a chemical paint stripper. Most chemical paint strippers are highly toxic and volatile. They are also known to have noxious fumes that will can affect a person’s ability to think clearly and even breathe.

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Tips for Keeping Interior Refinishing Projects Manageable

Interior wood refinishing is much less expensive and easier than replacing or even just refacing wooden cabinets and other elements of the house. Refinishing your home’s interior can save several thousand dollars. But homeowners sometimes make the mistake of rushing into the project and then face serious problems. The following

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Wood Refinishing Tips from a Professional Painter

Professional painters encounter problems with wood refinishing all the time. Generally, people choose to skip a few steps in the hopes of having an easier project. However, they soon realize that it does not look as good as they wanted, and they hire a painter to redo it. Use these

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Refinishing Wood Windows – Making Sure Your Work Lasts

Every year I refinish the insides of many wood windows. The main problems encountered are water from condensation and a wood finish that has turned to powder due to UV exposure. Proper preparation and the choice of wood finish are critical in order to have lasting results. However, carefully refinishing

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