How To Paint a Garage Door


Painting a garage door might seem like a challenging task for some people, but trust me, if you know the right procedure and techniques, it becomes easy and quick. A garage door should be repainted every 3-5 years to maintain the exterior look of your house. Applying paint doesn’t only enhance the look of your garage and exteriors. Still, it also protects the door against harsh weather conditions and several other environmental factors that can damage the door.

So to help you with accomplishing this task, I have described a step by step process for painting the door along with materials needed for the same. Have a look at this procedure and paint your garage door like a pro:

Materials required:

  • Dropcloth or newspapers
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint scraper
  • Primer
  • The paint of your choice
  • A 4-inch brush
  • Small paint brushes
  • A paint roller
  • Rolling tray
  • Stepladder

Prep for the procedure: Make sure to keep a drop cloth or newspaper underneath the doors to avoid paint stains and other mess. Also, as paint can take some time to dry, I would recommend doing this activity on weekends so that you have sufficient time to paint the door properly.

Step 1: Clean the door and remove old paint

It is essential to clean the door first so that the paint adheres to the surface properly. With the help of a scraper or putty knife, get rid of the loose materials on your door. You can also wash the door with a mild cleaner to remove the dirt and other stains from your door. Do not use harsh chemicals to clean the door.

Start removing the old paint with the help of a scraper. Use 100-grit sandpaper to sand the rough surfaces and get a smooth surface to apply the paint.

Step 2: Prime the door

The next step is to apply a primer if you are applying the paint for the first time on your door. Using a primer extends the longevity and durability of the color. If you are repainting the door, then apply a coat of primer on the spots sans paint. Make sure to apply only one thin layer of the primer and let it dry for a couple of hours. You can also skip this step if you are using a paint that has primer in it.

Step 3: Tape the areas and position the door

Now that your garage door is all prepped up touch it to see if the primer has dried. Generally, primer takes nearly 12 hours to dry completely and if it is dried entirely, then proceed with taping off the area you do not intend to paint.

After you have applied the masking tape, position the door so that you can paint with ease. If you are using a garage door opener, take it in the manual mode and keep the position of it down. You can also raise the door a little and save a wooden block for the support.

Step 4: Start applying the coats of paint

Choose the shade of paint that suits your entire exterior look. Most people prefer beige, brown, or pearl for their doors. For starting the paint, I would suggest painting in the top-bottom pattern so that there are no drips or uneven paint. You can take the help of a stepladder to paint the top sections of the door.

For reaching the smaller or narrow areas, paint the area with the brush. Start painting section-wise and proceed towards the bottom. Paintbrushes can help with covering the areas with precision. For larger areas, you can use a paint roller as it provides a smooth finish. Ensure that you are applying the paint in one direction and there are no drips while doing so.

Once you have covered the entire door length, let it dry for good 12-14 hours. After the first layer of paint has dried completely, start applying the second coat of paint if required. Allow the paint to dry completely for a day or two and make sure that it is positioned such that it receives ample airflow for drying faster.

Step 5: Take off the tapes 

After the paint has dried completely, inspect the door properly to see if there are any spots or areas left to paint. If you find such an area spot correct it using small paint brushes. Take off the masking tape and voila it is done!

Concluding Remarks

This step-by-step procedure is quite easy to follow, even for beginners. Just make sure to invest in good paint, brushes and rollers. Also, never repaint the sections without checking if the previous paint has dried or not. Aftercare is also crucial for keeping the paint intact, so ensure to clean the doors every once a while. Take a wet sponge or cloth to get rid of the dirt and dust on the doors. Cleaning the doors periodically also aids in extending the paint’s longevity.

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