Inspiring Color Trends for Your 2018 Bathroom Renovation


While the bathroom might not be the biggest room in our house, it certainly plays an essential role. But despite the fact that we spend quite a lot of time in there, it often gets pushed into the background when it comes to interior design and has to settle for a less than inspiring look. However, if you thought bathrooms can only be white – think again. This year brought us some amazing, innovative ideas that you simply must consider if you are doing a renovation anytime soon. There are actually so many amazing options to explore that you’ll soon realize you are spoilt for choice, so read on to learn about the bathroom color trends of 2018.

Back to black

This newest bathroom trend is an unexpected turn in itself. While black is certainly not a typical choice for this (or any other) part of your home, you would be surprised just how stylish and elegant a bathroom can be with black as its main color. It is the perfect color if you want to go for a modern look, as it complements that design very well, but it can be incorporated into just about any style. One of the ways in which you can bring the sophistication of the color black into your bathroom is by going for black tiles – you can go for shiny, marble-like ones or for a sleek, matte finish. Today, black bathroom furniture is widely available as well, so you can even go full-black with a stylish black tub and black wooden cabinets if you’re bold enough, or you can also combine this color with others to break up the monotony.

Shiny metallics

If you’re looking for the perfect accent colors to combine with your stylish black bathroom or bring a bit of luxury into your more traditional color choice, metallics are the way to go. The hottest choices this year are certainly gold, muted rose gold and the newly popular brass and copper. You can achieve that contemporary, minimalist look which bathroom renovators in Sydney are so well-versed in if you decide to combine one of the warm metallics with marble or quartzite. While the easiest way to introduce metallics into your design is through decoration, don’t shy away from getting a spectacular mirror with a golden frame or rose gold fixtures for your sink and bathtub – they will elevate your space in no time.

Bright pastels

In case you’re more into a softer, more muted approach, don’t worry – the pastels trend is still alive and kicking and what better place to use it as an inspiration than your bathroom? While you can choose virtually any pastel color you like, be aware that the trendiest choices of the year are different blue and green tones (such as mint green) as well as the ever-popular pastel pink. They even look great together, and by combining different hues, you can incorporate them into any style. For example, pastel pink walls with blue metro tiles and a bit of black or white here and there for contrast create an amazing, retro-looking space, while mint green used with gold accents is exceptionally soft and elegant.

Energetic vibes

A bit bolder take on colors than the previously discussed pastels, this year, bright, energetic colors are in as well. Some of the most popular choices include the ever-present blue, 2017’s color of the year – green, as well as hues of yellow and pink. While blue has always been a typical color choice for bathrooms, this time, it’s coming back in a different way. You can use bright sky blue as an accent color – paint one feature wall this color and use it sparingly in the rest of the room, and the result will be fresh and energetic. When it comes to pinks and yellows, similarly to blue, use them as accents. A splash of yellow in the form of a couple of accessories or a single row of tiles combined with blue or pink will instantly brighten up the space and create a happy atmosphere. Finally, you can introduce green in numerous ways too; from metro tiles to living plants, a touch of nature will benefit you in a multitude of ways.

Neutral elegance

If all these colors feel overwhelming to you, you will surely find this final trend appealing. Although new color trends emerge every day, there are some that are simply always in style – and those are neutrals. Even a white-on-white bathroom can be made to look sleek and charming, so you don’t have to go out of your way to bring in colors you personally don’t like. The key here is textures – bring in a bit of stone or wood to contrast the shiny white surfaces and you won’t have to worry about your design looking “boring”. You can also mix white with gray (which is, by the way, another extremely popular choice this year) for a simple but polished look. Neutrals are generally timeless, so you can’t possibly go wrong with them.

As you can see, your options are virtually endless. From neutrals to the boldest of colors, 2018 brought many surprising ideas to the table. All you have to do is decide on your color palette and you can get down to your renovation project at once, and soon enough, you’ll be able to enjoy the comfort of a brand new, trendy bathroom.

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