5 tips to avoid roller marks whilst painting

Depending on the size of your room, painting can be a lengthy job and require plenty of preparation. It may seem like a straightforward job, but there are certain tips and tricks that can help you perfect it. There are plenty of mistakes that can happen when it comes to

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How To Paint a Garage Door

Painting a garage door might seem like a challenging task for some people, but trust me, if you know the right procedure and techniques, it becomes easy and quick. A garage door should be repainted every 3-5 years to maintain the exterior look of your house. Applying paint doesn’t only

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Top 5 Best Paint Shades to Use for Garage Renovation

For years, your garage has served you well. The time to renovate, however, has come. Now you have an opportunity to make your garage look better than it ever did before. You can install more cabinets and fixtures. Adding insulation may also be in order. You can get garage door

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DIY House Painting Mistakes Every Homeowner Makes!

Most house painting tasks are best left to professionals, especially larger painting jobs such as exterior walls and trim or interior wood floors. An experienced house painter ensures a quality job that lasts and that offers the finish you expect. However, if you’re like most homeowners, you might want to

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Interior Design: Don’t Overlook the Importance of Color

Repainting the walls is one of the most common renovation projects as it is quite affordable but can have a large impact on the overall interior design. That said, you mustn’t let the color choice become an afterthought. Many people are scared to make drastic changes to their walls but

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How To Pick The Best Color Scheme For Your Garage

For some people, their garage is just a place to park their car, nothing more. In other words, they don’t really give much thought about making it look great. As long as things are clean and orderly, a spartan-looking garage will do. Many homeowners, however, see their garage as more

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Window Restoration 101: How to Ace Your Repair

If you live in an older home, then the chances that your windows already need repair is quite high. Some of your windows may even need replacement. Windows aren’t just there to let the breeze or sunlight into your house. They are also meant to improve the energy efficiency of

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Benefits of a Reflective Roof Coating

Homeowners sometimes get confused with reflective/white roof coating and reflective/white roof paint. So keep in mind if you are shopping for “white roof paint,” you will get just that, a paint that will color the roof of your house white. However, if you are looking for a roof “paint” that

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How to Paint Metal Garage Doors

No one can deny how much a garage door improves the appearance of your home. As long as the design and style of your garage door go well with the house’s overall look, the curb appeal of your home will be off the charts. A beautiful garage door helps raise

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