Top 4 Hacks for Repainting Your Home Exterior


When speaking about painting, most of us automatically think about applying a fresh coat of paint to our interior walls, because people more often paint their living room, than they do their house’s exterior.  However, a fresh coat of paint can completely transform the look of your house. Here are top 4 hacks when it comes to repainting your homes exterior.

1. Pick the right moment

…and by this, we mean check the weather. Quite logically, moisture is widely known as a paint’s worst enemy, and not just in terms of slow drying. Waterlogged wood siding, as well as moist concrete foundations will likely cause paint to bubble and crack, and the worst part is, you won’t even notice this for months after the application. Fortunately, nowadays, forecasts are getting more and more precise. Of course, if long, snowy winters and wet springs are typical in your area, you should wait until June to start with an exterior paint project. On the other hand, if you live in a hot and humid region, the risks are almost the same, so schedule your painting for the fall, when the weather is cooler and drier.

2. Patch up any cracks

Unlike an interior paint job, your outside coating endeavor is likely to be a very slow process. Tedious as this fact is, there are some benefits to take advantage of here. For example, this means that you’ll have an opportunity to inspect your home up close. You are going to have to scrape away at the trim for hours on end, so why not pay attention to the state of wood clapboards, window ledges and shutters while you’re at it. If you find a cracked or broken section, you can rest assured that it’s going to cause trouble with painting, so fixing them on the spot goes without saying. Additionally, don’t ever try to ‘cover up’ rotten wood – replace or remove it.

3. Don’t skimp on paint

Your new house exterior should look fresh for years to come, so keep that in mind. Sure, there are many life hacks that will save you money in other home remodeling projects, but when it comes to paint, as experts agree – you get what you pay for. There is a lot of science to support these claims – the more pigments a paint has, the deeper, richer and, most importantly, longer-lasting coating it will provide. Naturally, these are more expensive, but you want your house to look good, not cheap.
For instance, acrylic latex paint is definitely a better option than an oil-based paint. In addition to the fact that latex emits much less volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are bad for the environment, it also stays pliable and flexible over time, which means less cracking.

4. Clean up

If you think that an indoor painting project is messy, just wait until you start painting your exterior. There will be a lot of debris and junk left afterwards, and you might find yourself in a situation where you simply don’t have the time or the willpower to clean everything properly. This is why you should opt for efficient and reliable junk removal services – they will be out of your hair in no time and the service is well worth the price.

Your exterior painting project is something that takes a lot of planning, and only after that planning and consideration, comes hard work. Picking the right moment, patching up all the cracks, buying quality paint and properly cleaning up after the job is done are the pillars of any paint job.

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