Window Restoration 101: How to Ace Your Repair


If you live in an older home, then the chances that your windows already need repair is quite high. Some of your windows may even need replacement.

Windows aren’t just there to let the breeze or sunlight into your house. They are also meant to improve the energy efficiency of your home and help keep cooling and heating bills down. They may look fine on the surface, but some aging windows may no longer be able to perform at peak efficiency. In some cases, however, windows in an older house can still be repaired. Wood windows, in particular, stand the best chance of getting restored to their original condition.

If you’re opting for residential window repair, here are some tips that might be of help.

For Wood Windows

Wood windows have long proven to be sturdy. As long as they are properly maintained, windows made of wood have the potential to last for a century or even longer. They degrade fast without paint, though.

If the wood in your windows has rotted spots, you can always apply penetrating liquid epoxy to renew it. Epoxy putty is great for filling holes in sashes and sills, especially since they’re easy to sand, prime, and paint.

If you have a double-hung window that’s stuck, you can just wait for the weather to change, since it’s likely that it’s the high humidity levels that may be causing the problem.

For Non-Wood Windows

Unlike their wood counterparts, aluminum, vinyl, and fiberglass windows don’t last as long. Even shorter is the life expectancy of the gaskets that serve as seals for their sashes.

If you see small holes and rips, remove the sash and use a good silicone sealant to repair it. For loose aluminum sashes, locate the screws at the corners and tighten them.

If you have vinyl or aluminum-clad wood windows, make sure you protect the wood interior from water damage by caulking cracks or holes in the aluminum or vinyl.

Glass Repair or Replacement?

Whether your windows are made of wood, aluminum, or vinyl, the one material that allows them to perform their basic function of allowing light into a building is glass. Even more important is the fact that glass plays a crucial role in keeping your home energy efficient and ultimately comfortable.

Technically, small cracks in the glass can be repaired with two-part epoxy and other materials. The problem with glass that’s already had a crack, however, is that it’s no longer as sturdy as before. Windows that have been cracked before tend to be more easily broken again. Plus, cracked glass is essentially a failed seal, and that can impact your window’s energy efficiency.

Although you can still opt to repair cracked window glass, replacing the entire damaged pane is, in most cases, a much more practical solution. When going for a replacement, it’s best to consult a reliable residential glass provider to get the best type of glass for your existing window.

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