Sheetrock Repair After Removing Wallpaper

I’m trying to find a suitable fix for sheetrock that has been damaged by aggressive wallpaper removal. I’ve encountered this problem several times lately due to changing trends and homeowners wanting to save money by doing their own wallpaper removal. In several places, a layer of two of the sheetrock

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Painting For My Friends Or Anyone

If a surface wall needs two coats and this is discovered after the first coat is applied should I charge an additional amount for the second coat since it was really hard to tell before the first coat went on?

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Repainting house that has been smoked in, heavily.

We are moving to a home just over 2000 sq. ft, and a heavy smoker lived there before. Stinks to high heaven. Lots of recommendations on how to get rid of smell paint-wise (Kilz comes up a lot), but am wondering what suggestions this group has in this regard. We

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Waterproofing Stucco with Loxon XP and Elastomeric

Hi, we need to waterproof our stucco house. I was thinking about caulking around the vinyl windows with polyurethane sealant (where stucco butts up against vinyl), applying 2 coats of Loxon XP around each window/caulking (6″ perimeter), then painting the entire house with elastomeric breathable paint. Does this sound like

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