What wall colour goes with hunter green and black and red?
I have a hunter green sofa with a black entertainment stand and side tables with red curtains and pillows.
I have a hunter green sofa with a black entertainment stand and side tables with red curtains and pillows.
I have a smaller dining room with medium cherry color wood floors and the same color oak trim. I currently have red walls but I’m selling my house soon and my realtor suggested I change the wall color. He said a neutral color that would make the wood trim “pop”.
How can I tell what type of paint was used on bathroom cabinets, Latex or oil base?
Hi, I am painting a dining room, I have patched and sanded the walls until very smooth, I primed the walls with tinted primer, and I have now painted 2 coats on. The paint is very smooth to the touch, but there are slight roller marks when you look at
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