Exterior brick painting.

The exterior brick on my home is currently painted with semi-gloss paint, and I’d like to paint over it with a flat paint. What are the steps that I should follow?

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Stucco House Masonry or Elastomeric Paint

I have a 25 year old Stucco house with many cracks all over. I have spoken to a couple of contractors. One wants to use Masonry paint. Is this the same as elastomeric paint or a kind of elastomeric paint? The contractor said the Masonry paint will seal the cracks

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Stucco Failing

I’m a homeowner with a house built new in 2000. From the very first year, the standard product smooth-finish applied tinted stucco cracked. Patching was never a good looking match. It has become worse every year and now, areas are “peeling” off in sheets. I know it has failed for

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Painting our stucco another color.

We just moved in to this house with a Stucco exterior and we would like to paint it another color. I can not tell if the paint on the house is oil based or water based. I tried the acetone test but nothing came off on the paper towel. Do

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Painting Rock Faced Block

I have an old (1920’s) home constructed out of Rock Face block (Cinder). They are very porous, irregular and stained (rust, etc). They have never been painted and I would like to spray the paint on the home. What is the best product to use on this surface?

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