Dislike paint color of iron fence.


Had my iron fence painted..I’m unhappy with color! Can I paint without having to sandblast again? If so what kind of paint can I use so that it can blend in a little bit darker.

One Response

  1. Sounds like you went in the right direction for a long lasting job. Sounds like you want a more aged look also.

    If so, you are headed in the right direction again. Check out you local paint dealer and describe what you have done so far.

    I am making some assumptions here, and what I catch is you should be able to find a deep color and make a wash or glaze from it. If your idea is to age, consider a deep, almost black green to give the fence the aged appearance.

    In any case, you should not need to have the fence sandblasted again to change the color. You might ask the painter what product he used so you can use a similar type.

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