Exterior house preperation, priming & painting?


I have a Red Cedar shingled house in severe need of a paint job.I live in the New England area. The last time the house was painted was with Benjamin Moore Latex paint. Three of the four sides that get the most sun exposure are peeled. What would be the best method to prepare the surface for painting. Scrapping, sanding, power washing? Latex or oil Primer? Should I prime the entire surface or just bare wood?

One Response

  1. Preparation- All of the above. Start with a good washing then do a lot of scraping. Sanding depends on the shingles. Do they have a natural desirable texture? Sanding will get rid of any surface texture.

    Use a good oil based wood primer. Prime with a brush to just the exposed wood. If there is more exposed wood that paint then prime the entire surface.

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