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Exterior Painting in Washington State


1) Pressure wash with bleach and midewicide like Joe Max;

  • Pressure wash with plain water.
  • Apply cleaner in shade, let sit.
  • Rinse off cleaner.
  • Pressure wash each board.
  • Carefully inspect, some dirt is hard to see when wet.
  • Let dry several weeks.


2) Scrape any failed coatings with a tungsten carbide scraper.

3) Mask with green tape and .3mill plastic.

4) Spray and thoroughly back-brush Bulls-Eye brand (available everywhere!) Cover Stain oil based primer with 20% Penetrol to all siding, soffits and trim. Let dry overnight.

5) Caulk as needed using Dap Alex Plus 35 year or Big Stretch white caulk. Some cracks can be brushed with straight Penetrol as a primer, that doesn’t clog the crack.

6) Spray without back-brushing one or more coats of Benjamin Moore Super Spec eggshell paint to all siding trim and soffits.

7) Brush one or two coats Benjamin Moore AURA grade (covers best).

8) Unmask.

9) Use Motzenbackers brand died latex paint remover if needed.

I’ve painted a lot of different ways and there’s tons of details that could be added. No I don’t tint the primer it performs better without tint.

I paint a lot of damaged surfaces and old buildings. This process works well on old or new buildings. Something similar is used on interior. I brush the trim first tape it off and brush and roll the walls and ceilings . Interior spray is for buildings not in use while painting is done. I like a full prime it guarantees a strong bond and a long lasting job. One coat of paint just doesn’t have the mill rate to old up.

I’ve been painting for over 17 years and all but a few of my jobs have peeled out and that was because the original primer was corroded. Paint can last 15-20 years. Painting every 5 years is ridiculous.

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