Is there a correct way to paint inside window pane?


We have several dormers on a building that we are remodeling. After we installed new dormer windows we could see framing in attic area through the windows. Is there a way to darken the glass without cracking the glass from heat?

2 Responses

  1. Painting the glass is one option. A better idea is tinting the glass. I have seen kits for applying a plastic film to glass at Home Depot. Plus kits are available at auto supply stores.

    Using the tinting film is a better idea as it is easily reversible in the future.

    If you still want to paint the window glass a solid color, make sure to prime the glass with a good acrylic primer first. Zinsser 123 should work. Then apply your paint. This will fully cover and obscure any light.

    Heat shouldn't be an issue as long as a very dark color isn't used.

  2. Painting the glass is one option. A better idea is tinting the glass. I have seen kits for applying a plastic film to glass at Home Depot. Plus kits are available at auto supply stores.

    Using the tinting film is a better idea as it is easily reversible in the future.

    If you still want to paint the window glass a solid color, make sure to prime the glass with a good acrylic primer first. Zinsser 123 should work. Then apply your paint. This will fully cover and obscure any light.

    Heat shouldn't be an issue as long as a very dark color isn't used.

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