Loxon XP or Elastomeric Paint


I live in Central Florida. During the last Tropical Storm we experienced water seeping in from our exterior walls. I am planning on having my home repainted. I was advised by the painter that he doesn’t suggest Elastomeric paint because after sometime bubbles form and its not as good as Loxon XP. Which paint is better?

8 Responses

  1. Masonry Only

    The Loxon product line is for masonry only. It won't do a good job on metal or wood. It is a good choice for your stucco and Hardie Board siding. Use a good acrylic like Duration for non-masonry surfaces.

  2. Masonry Only

    The Loxon product line is for masonry only. It won't do a good job on metal or wood. It is a good choice for your stucco and Hardie Board siding. Use a good acrylic like Duration for non-masonry surfaces.

  3. Apply Caulking, Waterproofing

    Make sure you use a top rated caulking around all windows,doors and wood trim. Also check all areas where stucco and wood contact each other and apply caulking then paint with elastomeric.

    Apply caulking to all hair line surface cracks on stucco etc. Before applying finish coat. Check all (overhangs)rafter tails that come in contact with stucco surfaces and caulk as need.

    This should waterproof you home. Proper preparation and following material instruction when applying finish should last a long time.
    Lighter colors last longer than dark colors.

    GOOD LUCK, Remember to apply paint at right Ambient temperature, humidity and apply two coats. Wait for proper drying time between (two) coats.

    Have Fun?

  4. Can Loxon be applied on wood and metal?

    I am having my entire house painted with the Loxon product, not the XP. This will include the Stucco, Hardie board, wood trim, metal garage door, and 2 exterior metal door. I see Sherwin Williams says it is a Masonry product, but can it used effectively on the Metal doors and Wood trim?

  5. Apply Caulking, Waterproofing

    Make sure you use a top rated caulking around all windows,doors and wood trim. Also check all areas where stucco and wood contact each other and apply caulking then paint with elastomeric.

    Apply caulking to all hair line surface cracks on stucco etc. Before applying finish coat. Check all (overhangs)rafter tails that come in contact with stucco surfaces and caulk as need.

    This should waterproof you home. Proper preparation and following material instruction when applying finish should last a long time.
    Lighter colors last longer than dark colors.

    GOOD LUCK, Remember to apply paint at right Ambient temperature, humidity and apply two coats. Wait for proper drying time between (two) coats.

    Have Fun?

  6. Can Loxon be applied on wood and metal?

    I am having my entire house painted with the Loxon product, not the XP. This will include the Stucco, Hardie board, wood trim, metal garage door, and 2 exterior metal door. I see Sherwin Williams says it is a Masonry product, but can it used effectively on the Metal doors and Wood trim?

  7. Both are fine "types" of products. The Loxon XP is manufactured by Sherwin Williams and elastomeric is a type of coating manufactured by many companies. Both types will seal your exterior walls and both have the ability to allow excess water out of your walls.

    The Loxon XP does allow more water vapor to pass through in less time. This would be a good idea in your area. It is also flexible, like the elastomeric. Both products must be applied according to the manufactures recommendations and at their specified thickness. If these instructions are not followed it won't matter which product is used.

    For your application I think the Loxon XP is a better choice.

  8. Both are fine "types" of products. The Loxon XP is manufactured by Sherwin Williams and elastomeric is a type of coating manufactured by many companies. Both types will seal your exterior walls and both have the ability to allow excess water out of your walls.

    The Loxon XP does allow more water vapor to pass through in less time. This would be a good idea in your area. It is also flexible, like the elastomeric. Both products must be applied according to the manufactures recommendations and at their specified thickness. If these instructions are not followed it won't matter which product is used.

    For your application I think the Loxon XP is a better choice.

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