If you have mildew problems on the exterior of a white house here are some tips for preventing mildew.
1. Make sure to clean the exterior of your house with bleach or Zinsser Jomax which can be ran through a pressure washer with the largest tip on the end of the gun. Pressure wash the house with a smaller tip after treating with the chemical of your choice, let the house dry for at least 48 hrs.
2. Repaint the entire house with two coats Zinsser Perma-White paint. Perma-White is a self priming paint so don’t worry about priming any surfaces of the home that are exposed.
2 Responses
You can’t run Jomax through a pressure washer. You have to mix the bleach and water first then add the Jomax. If you don’t mix right, it will not do anything. If you use just bleach on the siding you must use a scrub brush while you are applying it. You don’t have to scrub the Jomax.
Concrobium has been touted as an excellent house/deck washing product. Spray on wash off. Use Zinsser Perma White primer followed by a good exterior paint.