Painting over non-paintable caulk line.


My contractor applied a non-paintable caulk to my bull nose tile and the dry-walled wall. What product can be applied to this finished seam so I can cut in a clean edge?

4 Responses

  1. None of which I am aware. My experience is non-paintable is non-paintable. Usually when we encounter this situation, we will pull the caulk out and apply a paintable caulk. Try a razor blade between the caulk and the surface of the bull nose to see if you can cut lose the non-paintable.

    This may seem extreme, but a bad paint edge will bug you longer.

  2. Try using a small artist brush and coat the caulk with Pigmented Shellac Sealer-Primer… use 2 coats if necessary…

  3. When silicone is used, tear out is best, otherwise use a oil based primer. Then top coat with latex. Affordable Quality Painting in Lincoln,Ne

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