Suggestions for prominent foundation.


Our house is 1.5 story, 3 dormer cape cod stained taupe. Railed veranda on front with 6 wide steps in the center. Black/charcoal roof. No shutters. All trim is white. Problem in choosing foundation color as it is prominent – foundation is about 3-4 feet in height and meets a boarded enclosure underneath the veranda. May be too much taupe if house color is on the foundation.

Thinking of painting foundation similar color to roof. Side-lighted front door is currently chocolate brown but considering a red for a pop of color. Also, any ideas for front steps color? Any suggestions are welcomed.

One Response

  1. The best colors I can suggest that will allow for a sophisticated, unique, and not-too-showy look for your house would be to begin by painting the door a scarlet or venetian red. A charcoal look might be nice for the foundation to match the roof, but be careful of what weatherization and dirt may do to a color like that. Go for a mocha or deep chocolate brown. Something rich that will complement the strong red door, and then have the steps fill in the earth tones by taking a slightly lighter brown than the foundation. Good luck.

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