The Most Common Mistakes That Amateur Painters Make


Over the last 50 years I have seen these common mistakes over and over again, so if you want to improve, take care to correct these:

  1. Using low grade, or less expensive Paint. This is the root of most problems, and can be corrected simply for most residential work by choosing Sherwin Williams Classic-99 for interior work and Sherwin Williams A-100 for exteriors…
  2. Using masking tape unnecessarily for Brushing work. If you learn how to brush correctly (as well as how to Roll correctly) you will have practically no need to mask anything, not ceilings, not woodwork, except for some special situations…
  3. Using cheap or improper Tools. It’s very common to purchase the wrong or poor Tool for any job, and consequently you will pay for it by getting poor results later…
  4. Not taking the time to learn correct Brushing and Rolling Techniques. If you can’t cut a line, roll a surface or perform other common techniques like Spackling or Caulking, you need to back up and learn these before proceeding any further on any Painting job…
  5. Doing the job in an incorrect order. Like most everything else, Painting has to be done with certain steps in a certain order, and if you don’t follow these procedures you are going to complicate the job, make mistakes and do an inferior job overall…


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