Tips and Tricks for Painting Home’s Exterior


Painting the exterior of your home is the simplest way to give it a facelift without having to invest a stellar amount into it. Still, the cost-efficiency and the end-result of this paint job mostly depends on your ability to manage this project. Due to the fact that there are so many guides to cover the issue of the choice of paint, surface preparation and even contain the list of necessary equipment, today, we’re going to focus on the specifics. Therefore, here are several tips, tricks and hacks for painting home’s exterior.

Start By Sanding Rough Spots

The reason why this is so important is not only due to the fact that these rough spots appear somewhat odd when painted over. They also slow you down, which can be a massive annoyance, especially if this is something you’re trying to do both quickly and meticulously. In order not to have to switch from task to task, try to spot all the places that need sanding before you start painting.

Fill and Repair

This particular tip is a lot like the previous one, the only difference being in the very process. For this to work, you need to wait for the primer to dry, cover the gouge with a thin layer of joint compound and even apply a second coat, if necessary. Once you’re done, it’s for the best if you were to sand it all until it’s smooth. This alone is probably why you might want to push this task to the top (especially in a scenario where’s so much to repair and fill).

Caulk the Joints

The main purpose behind this paint job is never supposed to be just about the visuals but about the boost in value and living conditions within the home. For those who see the latter as a top priority, caulking the joints might be one of the most important tasks on this project. This is meant to prevent air leaks and in order to do this for the entire home, you’ll need about seven tubes of caulk (on average). Together with a spring all of this shouldn’t be more than about $30.

The Touch-Up Paint

One of the more outside-of-the-box techniques that you should try out is touch up paint. Namely, this is a method that’s most commonly used on vehicles, yet, it can be incredibly useful when painting home’s exterior, as well. Sure, you’ll need a quality colorbond touch up paint in order to ensure that the entire exterior of your home seems like one homogeneous unit. This can also be used to mark scratches or accidental marks that happened during this DIY project.

Think About the Maintenance

Some will suggest that when done properly, exterior painting is something that you won’t have to repeat for years and years to come. However, this is only a myth and how quickly you have to repeat this process depends mostly on the maintenance. As soon as you’re finished, start with regular checkups for mold, mildew, bird nests, pollen stains and other marks on your home’s facade. By spotting these in time, you’ll make your home’s exterior look fresh for much longer and postpone the necessity of a new paint job for at least several years (even up to a full decade).

In Conclusion

While following the above-listed order may seem like the best possible solution, keep in mind that it can also be customized. Sanding, repairing and then sanding again is a standard procedure, while the touch-up paint can be applied both during and after the project has been finalized. Now that you know better, there’s really no excuse for botching this project once you finally dare to undertake it.


Bio: Patrick Adams is a freelance writer and rock-blues fan. When he is not writing about home improvement, he loves to play chess, watch basketball, and play his guitar. More than anything, he loves to spend his time in his garage, repairing appliances and creating stuff from wood.

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