Wedding Time


Our son is about to be married AND he surprised us by asking us if the wedding could be at our farm. Yes was the answer, of course, but we knew that many things would have to be done to make our place presentable. One of those things was painting the house.

The exterior consists of cedar siding both horizontal (plus the cedar we put up on the new garage) and vertical. The problem was that the main house had been painted many shades of dark brown and the new cedar was stained with Sikkens. I decided it was time to make our house uniform!!! Painting the whole thing was the answer and I knew I wanted some shade of green. Picking out the colour was hard enough……who knew there were so many shades of green!!!!!!

Soon I am about to embark on the paint job itself. Power washing the house was not an option because the force of the power washer etched the siding!!!! Today is window sanding day and tomorrow may also be plus I hope to get some caulking done!!!!
To be continued!!!!!!

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