What is bleeding through my first coat of Dry Lok?


?I painted a brick foundation wall (below grade) with Dry Lok.  The brick is over 100 years ol.  It is not damp or wet, but has been in the past due to grout degraded.  The surface of the brick is also degraded.  I scrapped the old paint off as best I could and wire-brushed the wall.  Immediately upon drying, the wall turned light orange (splotchy).  Any ideas what it might be?  Will the second coat of Dry Lok cover it?  If not, can I prime it with a stain kill?

One Response

  1. Most likely it is caused by moisture… I had a similar situation and tried DryLoK with similar results… low and behold, I found that my exterior down spouts were leaking water directly down the side of the exterior foundation… I fixed the problem and now no more bleeding… Good Luck!

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