What is the best finish for my table?


I am making a table out of juniper. It looks a lot like cedar and looks great when a clear finish is added. The table has worm holes and just holes from the way the tree grows. I want to leave the holes because I think it gives it character. Its a coffee table size and I want to fill those holes with a clear filler so that food and dirt doesn’t get down in those cracks and holes. What is the best product to use that will self level and dry completely clear without bubbles? I am looking at an acrylic product but would love any suggestions.

One Response

  1. Multiple coats of any good clear finish will eventually fill these in. For quicker results use ETI Envirotex Lite, Polymer Coating, or Crystal Sheen. These are thick coatings and will fill the holes with a clear durable finish quickly. Basically, fill and finish the table top in one application.

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