What is the best way to paint exterior aluminum shutters on a house in Pa?


We recently purchased a house in Hershey, Pa. The exterior shutters are in need of repainting. They are aluminum and my husband suggested we spray paint them, but I’m not sure that is the way to go. What do you suggest?

2 Responses

  1. Remove the shutters from the house, wash then to remove the dust and spray them. Spraying will be so much easier and faster.

    Make sure to test the existing finish for compatibility with your paint, check out <a href="//questions.house-painting-info.com/how-can-you-tell-if-inside-trim-paint-is-oil-base-or-latex1.html">How can you tell if inside trim paint is oil base or latex?</a> for an explanation of how to do this. If in doubt apply a good bonding primer before painting.

  2. Remove the shutters from the house, wash then to remove the dust and spray them. Spraying will be so much easier and faster.

    Make sure to test the existing finish for compatibility with your paint, check out <a href="//questions.house-painting-info.com/how-can-you-tell-if-inside-trim-paint-is-oil-base-or-latex1.html">How can you tell if inside trim paint is oil base or latex?</a> for an explanation of how to do this. If in doubt apply a good bonding primer before painting.

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