Whenever I use an oil based wiping stain, I find it difficult to get the color to darken even with successive coats. Is there a good brand of wiping stain available in the Canadian market that would only require one or two coats (max) to achieve the advertised color? Normally I work with oak and maple and als, is it a good idea to always use a conditioner first?
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2 Responses
My favorite wood stain manufacture is Old Masters. They offer a heavy bodied wiping stain, a penetrating stain for deeper color and a great gel stain. For a deep color on hardwoods use either the penetrating stain or gel stain.
A wood stain conditioner shouldn't be necessary with hardwoods. Check you local market for availability.
My favorite wood stain manufacture is Old Masters. They offer a heavy bodied wiping stain, a penetrating stain for deeper color and a great gel stain. For a deep color on hardwoods use either the penetrating stain or gel stain.
A wood stain conditioner shouldn't be necessary with hardwoods. Check you local market for availability.