Selecting The Perfect Paint Finishes For Your Home

Even after a homeowner has chosen the perfect color for a room, there’s another very important decision to make. With 5 or 6 paint finishes to choose from, you should learn the benefits of each and determine the right one for your job. Should you use flat or satin and

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Choosing the best paint for the job!

If you are planning a home painting project, it’s important to choose the right paint, so that you get the best possible results. There are many different types of paint available, so you might need a few pointers to help you make the best selection. Interior Paints If you are

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House Painting Color Tips

When choosing paint colors to paint your house or office it can be a daunting task. There are 3 general groups of paint schemes: Monochromatic schemes are based on one hue, which varies in value (lightness and darkness), and saturation (the amount of color). An example of this is a

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Steel Colored Walls: The Perfect Backdrop to Display Art

Rainbows of colors are available for painting walls, but not all will complement your choice of artwork. There are specific colors that work well with wall art, and some that take so much away from the artwork itself that it will go almost unnoticed with that particular choice of paint.

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Kids Room Paint Ideas

Looking for kid’s room paint ideas? You’ve come to the right place. Decorating kid’s rooms in fun and unusual ways makes sense. Your children are only little once. Besides these areas are the perfect place to test out your artistic ideas Murals Murals are a great way to add personality

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Baby Nursery Paint Ideas

Looking for baby nursery paint ideas? You’ve come to the right place. The first thing to consider when painting a nursery is how healthy the paint job will be. Pregnant women, infants, and young children are particularly susceptible to VOCs, or volatile organic compounds. The paint you choose for your

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Your family room can look tired if you have kept the same decor year after year. The trends that were popular in the past no longer imbue the space with freshness and charm. Your family changes and grows through the years, so why not keep up with a new look

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Tips for Painting Kids’ Bedrooms

Your child’s room should be safe, bright, welcoming, and comfortable, taking into account his or her particular age. Your choice of paint – its type, finish, and color – is an important decision. Fun patterns and imaginative designs take the spotlight in kids’ rooms. Consider these following tips as you

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Creative Painting for the Stairway

For many homeowners, the stairway is an afterthought. It is a means of connecting the floors of the house and not an area for decorating or design. However, painting the stairway with a decorative design or unique paint color can change the look and feel of the space. Instead of

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