Bathroom Vanity


I have a bathroom vanity I want to paint, but not sure what to do to prep it, or what type of paint to use? The vanity appears to be particle board covered with a laminate finish to make it smooth. Thanks for replies in advance.

3 Responses

  1. Best thing to do is prepare it by fixing any small defects in the laminate (use spackle) then Prime it first using a Pigmented Shellac Sealer Primer… then topcoat it with Sherwin Williams Classic-99 Acrylic (color of choice, use a semi gloss sheen)… Good Luck!

  2. I would clean then sand first, with 150 grit paper, to roughen up the slick surface then prime. Spackle sticks better to primer. any good paint can be used. My favorite for cabinets is Benjamin Moore Advance.

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